There are two ways in which your information may be collected while you are visiting The Thriving Spoonie:


  – The information that you manually provide us by leaving a comment, emailing , or signing up for The Thriving Spoonie’s email list. Since you’ve provided this information, it can be tied directly to you.

– When you visit The Thriving Spoonie, our third-party partners (WordPress, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Bloom, Convertkit, Google Analytics) also collect your information, such as: your IP address, location, pages visited, what time of day it is when you visit, and what type of browser you use. This information isn’t generally identifiable directly to you, but given to us in aggregate form. If you choose to contact us through any of our previously mentioned third-party partners, however, sometimes this information can be directly tied to you.


The Thriving Spoonie will not sell or give away your information to third-parties except when it is required by our terms of services agreements with those parties, or when required by law. We mostly use your information to help us provide you with the kind of content you want to read. If you wish to opt-out of other forms of contact on our Social Media sites, please follow that site’s protocol.


If you would like to know what information we have that’s directly attributable to you, or opt-out of any of our email lists, please email April at with “Remove Email” in the subject line.

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